June 1-3 in Ocean City, Maryland


    The following resolutions and memorial were received on Thursday evening and will be considered during our Assembly. They are also available in Guidebook and in print.


    You can use Guidebook to check the agenda, download the Bulletins of Reports in smaller sections, get information about displays, exhibitors and vendors, connect on social media, and more.

    You can also use Guidebook in your browser by clicking here.


    There are several ways you can contribute generously to important causes around the world at our Synod Assembly.

    You can participate in the Noisy Change Offering to benefit ELCA World Hunger. One Sunday before the Assembly, you would collect change during your worship services (it gets really noisy if you collect it in a metal container like a soup pot!), and then you can bring $20 in change from your congregation to the Assembly for a mass Noisy Change Offering. More details are available in the letter linked above.

    You can also donate supplies to help our synod’s Youth + Family Ministries assemble Lutheran World Relief school kits. These kits provide important supplies so that children around the world can attend school, even if their families cannot afford the basic items needed. This year, at our Synod Assembly, we will be collecting blunt-tip scissors (also known as “safety scissors”) and sturdy drawstring backpacks, approximately 14″x17″, with shoulder straps. If you would like to see examples of these items, you can read about school kits on LWR’s website. At the Assembly, you may drop off these items at the Youth + Family Ministry table. Thank you for your support of this important project!


      On Friday afternoon, there will be two opportunities to attend workshops, from 3:45-4:30 and 4:45-5:30. Each workshop will be presented twice. You must select your workshops during registration, so please read over the descriptions ahead of time.

      Reformation 500 and our Global Church with the Rev. Dr. Robin Steinke 
      Recently returning from a trip to Namibia, the Rev. Dr. Robin Steinke, President of Luther Seminary, will offer short vignettes and fresh insights about our life together in the global church.

      Q&A with the Rev. Dr. Cheryl Pero and the Rev. Albert Starr Jr.
      Spend time digging deep with both The Rev. Dr. Cheryl Pero, author of the 38 Theses developed by the Conference of International Black Lutherans, and the Rev. Albert Starr Jr., Director of Ethnic Specific, Multicultural Ministries and Racial Justice for the ELCA, as these two leaders share a wealth of information in their respective areas, and answer questions.

      “The Great Synodical Adventure” and Restructuring Task Force Q&A with Ron Fairchild, Restructuring Task Force Chair
      Did you miss your conference’s “Great Synodical Adventure” when it passed through your area? If so, come find out what you missed as well as get your follow-up questions about the work of our synod’s Restructuring Task Force answered in this open forum with Ron Fairchild, member of Grace Lutheran Church in Westminster, MD, and Restructuring Task Force Chair.

      Moving Forward In Faith, a Campaign Update and Q&A with John Auger, Synod Vice President
      Have you heard how many dollars we have raised together toward our larger goal of $2.5 million as we have moved Forward In Faith? It’s truly amazing! Come celebrate the goodness of God with our Synod Vice President as he shares a bit about the bounty our faithful and generous synod raised so far and how we did it! Curious about how far we have to go to reach our goal, and where the dollars are going? Come find out in this open forum with John Auger.

      Raising Up New Leaders with the Rev. Stuart Luce, Leadership Development Director and Candace Maxwell, Director of Lay Leadership Development
      Are you looking to raise up new leaders in your congregation? If so, come spend time with our dynamic leadership duo: the Rev. Stuart Luce, Leadership Development Director and Candy Maxwell, Director of Lay Leadership Development to learn new ideas, gain insights and ask questions.

      Only God Can Make a Tree with our synod’s Creation Care Ministry Chair, Laura Heller and the Rev. Tormod Svensson
      Learn about how a tree canopy cools the atmosphere, and also how trees: reduce lawn maintenance and carbon emissions from lawn mowers, restore habitat for wildlife, create a barrier to reduce wind, and can prevent soil erosion and runoff. Learn what carbon sequestration is, as well as get an update on the Reformation 500 Tree Celebration.

      Wondering about Church and Prayer with Clara Mattucci and Brynn Huffman
      This combined session will draw our attention to who God is, to what God does in the world and to how God is calling us to be in the world. Wondering about church and prayer is perfect for all things Reformation as we wonder about sustaining our present and our future! This workshop will focus on developing the courage and faith necessary to create brave and inclusive spaces while exploring prayer forms that engage the senses. In Wondering about Church and Prayer, workshop leaders will invite you to join them in a space where you can both dwell and wonder in God.

      For Such a Time as This: Walking Alongside our Refugee and Immigrant Neighbors with Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service and local rostered ministers
      In the midst of significant policy changes regarding immigration and refugee resettlement, and violence and political stability around the world, our call as disciples of Jesus to stand alongside and work with our immigrant and refugee neighbors – and our interfaith partners – is all the more urgent. Come to learn and discuss together with representatives from Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service and leaders from around our synod who have made this work of welcome, justice, and holy accompaniment a priority. Learn how to engage in your own community as well as on broader levels as we seek to love and serve these neighbors of ours.