Racial Justice Ministry Team


We all have been touched and impacted by the news of racial conflicts around the country.

The experience is likely different in a very personal way for each of us depending on our age, family background, economic status, etc.  It is in times such as these that we are called to examine those feelings and find our voice to contribute to the conversation in a way that reflects our Christian values.                                           

Racial justice ministry is about being inclusive, not exclusive, to create a climate of peace, justice, freedom and dignity that embraces all people. A climate that provides opportunities for growth, leadership, empowerment and advocating for policies and programs that are socially and racially just. 

“Out of my distress I called on the Lord” (Psalm 118:5).

Bishop Eaton, Presiding Bishop of the ELCA, statement, This is the Day, regarding current events and issues of race in the United States, June 5, 2020


Pray, Listen, and Learn: Free Resources foR congregations

“honest Conversations on Racism”

The Racial Justice Ministry Team will work with the leadership of your congregation to implement and facilitate a 4 week discussion about racism among the people within your congregational community.  The program uses the video series “Cracking the Codes: The System of Racial Inequity” (https://www.world-trust.org/cracking-the-codes) which the synod has purchased for use within our congregations.  This program is intentional about creating a space where fellow disciples can confidentially explore this difficult topic.  We encourage you to contact Cathy Rice at cprpenpal@gmail.com or Janet DeVinney at thewordy1@gmail.com to discuss how to get your congregation engaged.

“Racism in America: The History We Didn’t Learn in School”

This new program is available to congregations who want to learn about how slavery and racism are imbedded in the history and the current structure of the United States. This program is presented in a series of 6 sessions, each lasting 1 hour. They are taught on Zoom. The sessions are:


The classes are taught FREE OF CHARGE by Sue Linderman, a co-founder of the Westminster Peace & Justice Work Group in Wilmington, Delaware. You can arrange to host the program by contacting Sue directly at srlinder@dca.net.

Anti-Asian Racism Resources

Please view this list of resources designed to combat anti-Asian racism. These resources were compiled for the ELCA Association of Asians and Pacific Islanders by AAPI Communications Consultant Lily Wu.

2021 Devotional Video Series

Even though our Lenten Devotional Series has concluded, you are still invited to view and use this resource as you engage in reflection around racial justice!  The theme of this series is “What God says > We Say: How We Rewrite God’s Covenant,” and each video focuses on different ways that we rewrite God’s promises and worldview into something that serves our selfishness and understanding of how things should be.

Along with the videos that you can view on YouTube by clicking the buttons below, you can access a discussion guide that accompanies this series here.

If you would like to download the videos, which can make the video playback easier if you are sharing the video over Zoom, you can view a Dropbox folder that contains each of the videos and the discussion guide here.

2020 Listen and Learn About Racism Sessions

LISTEN AND LEARN ABOUT RACISM sessions from Summer 2020 have been recorded and are available for us in congregations or for individuals to learn! Topics include understanding basic terminology, national history, Lutheran church history and finding your personal call to action. Click here to access these resources.

Comprehensive Resource Guide

Our Racial Justice Ministry Team has collected a number of useful Racial Justice Resources. See some of them highlighted below. Here is a Current Comprehensive Resource Guide.

Take Action Against Racism

Click here to join the Racial Justice Ministry Facebook Group!


Stay informed! Sign up here for announcements about events and activities sponsored by the Racial Justice Team.


Contact Information:

For more information on the work of the Racial Justice Ministry Team, feel free to contact Cathy Rice (cprpenpal@gmail.com) or Janet DeVinney (thewordy1@gmail.com).