Yvonne Jones Lembo
ELCA Foundation Regional Gift Planner
Yvonne Jones Lembo serves as a Regional Gift Planner with the ELCA Foundation. With more than 20 years of experience in non-profit development, Yvonne’s gift planning expertise has helped families, congregations and ELCA organizations in the Mid-Atlantic harvest more than $30 million for their stewardship, mission and legacy goals.
Yvonne regards her work as an expression of God’s ministry call for her life and an outgrowth of 40 years of ministry and professional experience with congregations and non-profit organizations in the U.S. and abroad. She holds Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from Harvard University and received the Master of Divinity with honors from Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia (LTSP) in 2013. For professional gift planning, Yvonne completed courses in the Certified Estate and Trust Specialist program with the Institute of Business and Finance.
Yvonne has been part of the ELCA since 2006 at Little Zion Lutheran in Telford, PA, St. Mark’s Lutheran in Philadelphia and St. Andrews in Dover, DE. Yvonne served with the Development Office of LTSP, now United Lutheran Seminary (ULS), from 2009-2014. As Regional Gift Planner for Delaware-Maryland and Metro DC, she serves the 246 congregations between each synod as well as members of the Lutheran Development Alliance of DE-MD and Metro DC. In the Mid-Atlantic, Yvonne serves on call in Eastern PA, Metro NY, NJ and New England.
In 2018, Yvonne relocated from the hustle and bustle of Philadelphia to the relaxing rural suburbs of Dover, DE. Outside of work, you’ll find Yvonne juicing in her kitchen, enjoying her neighborhood, connecting with family and discovering North America on scenic driving jaunts. Yvonne can be reached by email or at 215-300-8942.
To learn more about gift planning and our regional gift planner, click here.