As this pandemic continues through the fall, Mar-Lu-Ridge, our outdoor camp and retreat center, has been surprisingly busy! Hear from Sarah Lefler, Executive Director about what has been going on!

We continue to offer cabins for rental to families and have been full each weekend and often during the week as well. To check into this respite away from home, click

Our MountainService days have been well attended and we have made 4 quilts and 24 Health kits for Lutheran World Relief so far. This gathering is a controlled number of participants, and we wear masks and use distancing as we work. It has been a safe and fun way to serve others.

A few smaller retreat groups and several Scout troops have come for their retreats. Again, we ask that all honor our policies for masks and distancing, self-monitoring before arrival, and we have had no incidents. Everyone has appreciated their time at MLR and have happily followed our guidelines. We operate at 50% capacity, following the state of MD guidance. Our food service plan keeps everyone well fed and safe, too. We will host a one-day Confirmation retreat on Nov. 21, including online and on-site folks and pastors.

We have been honored to serve as the site for two ordinations and two confirmation services, with a third planned in November. The chapel is large enough that groups of up to 40 people can spread out safely to worship and enjoy the majestic view.

In October, we successfully hosted a Family Camp fall overnight, gathering the families who would have attended Family Camp. It was a joy to be together safely, and we look forward to next summer when the friendships continue to grow.

Our virtual Walkathon and Cookie Run events were very successful, thanks to our community of supporters. I think people really appreciated the opportunity to participate virtually for the 5K, and we had a group of 40 on-site for the Walkathon, which was done safely and with great enthusiasm to be together on the Ridge.

Our first ever online Giving Thanks Auction will take place Nov. 19-22 with a Facebook Live wrap up celebration Nov. 22 at 6:30 pm. We are gathering donations from local artisans and businesses and have MLR packages and handcrafted items as well. We feel this will be fun and successful as a new fundraiser and community building event. Learn more here:

Then in December, we will host our Advent Family Gathering for a limited number of registrants on Dec. 6, some more retreats and rentals, and our year-end appeal will be sent to congregations, alumni and donors. It is a joy to still be in community and look forward to continuing our work in 2021.

To learn more about Mar-Lu-Ridge or give a donation, check out: