Below are links to teaching videos and articles to help grow your leadership! In addition, you’ll find downloadable handouts and original documents, resources to go deeper, and reflection/discussion questions. On the right they are also listed by category. They are best used to foster conversation and can be shared with fellow colleagues, church councils, and/or committees/teams within your congregation. And please email Pastor Stuart Luce, Leadership Development Director at, who would love to be helpful in growing your leadership with resources, workshops or retreats!
Now think who you can forward a “Church Leader Tool” to in order to grow their leadership?
Church Leadership Summarized
It's been my pleasure to serve as Leadership Development Director for the last three years and this final Church Leader Tool summarizes so much that I've learned and taught about. I hope and pray that this tool and my ministry as LDD has been a blessing to you! ...
Worship Assistant Training
This training video should help prepare your congregations' worship assistants!Downloads to share or edit for local use: PDF of the PowerPoint and PDF Document as a handout
The Fundamentals of Leadership Still Haven’t Changed
This short Harvard Business Review article lists the six fundamentals of leadership. Take a few moments to reflect on them and how each is being lived out in your context! Discussion Questions:As you reflect on the six fundamentals of leadership, which is one which...
“Fielding” Your Church Leadership Team
This teaching video will give you a new metaphor for growing your church leadership team along with some helpful new principles and examples.Downloads to share or edit for local use: PDF DocumentDiscussion Questions:Which of the three metaphors for your church...
7 Ways to Deepen Your Gratitude This Thanksgiving
As we prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving, this article will inspire your servant leadership and give you some actionable steps to deepen your gratitude!Discussion Questions:What are you particularly thankful for at this time in your life?Which of the seven suggested...
Healthy Congregational Bodies
This video will help your congregation and leaders to interact in healthier ways by reflecting on the Apostle Paul's metaphor of "The Body of Christ!"Downloads to share or edit for local use: PDF DocumentGo deeper by reading Health Congregations: A Systems Approach...
Who Will Replace Eugene Peterson and Other Great Leaders?
We lost a great Christian leader when Eugene Peterson died on October 22, 2018. This blog post by Carey Nieuwhof not only remembers Eugene, but also points us toward great leadership including a podcast link to one of his last interviews. (If you're not familiar with...
12 Often Overlooked Practices Great Leaders Develop That Poor Leaders Don’t
Carey Nieuwhof will surely nudge you with one or more of these leadership practices in this blog post! Discussion Questions: Which one of these practices needs to be added to your leadership "toolkit?" How could you incorporate one or more of these practices in your...
Your Leadership Edge-Part 4
This fourth and final video explores the skills to Skillfully Intervene, the fourth part of the excellent book, Your Leadership Edge: Lead Anytime, Anywhere. Downloads to share or edit for local use: PDF Document Go deeper by buying the book! You would also...
Your Leadership Edge: Part 3
This third of four videos explores the skills to Energize Others from the wonderful book, Your Leadership Edge: Lead Anytime, Anywhere. Downloads to share or edit for local use: PDF Go deeper by buying the book! You would also enjoy the Your Leadership Edge Website....
Your Leadership Edge: Part 2
This teaching video will explore the vital skill of "Manage Self!" It's the second of a four part summary of the excellent book, Your Leadership Edge: Lead Anytime, Anywhere. Downloads to share or edit for local use: PDF Go deeper by buying the book! You would also...
Your Leadership Edge: Part 1
Learn four skills that will take your leadership to the next level! This video summary of the first skill, "Diagnose Situation" is from Your Leadership Edge: Lead Anytime, Anywhere, a short, but wonderful book. Downloads to share or edit for local use: PDF Go...
A Final Lesson from Bill Hybels and Willow Creek
James Emery White, in this heart-rending reflection, reminds us of our sacred calling as Christian Leaders. Discussion/Reflection Questions: What do you think of White's assessment that, "Everything rises and falls on integrity?" What are you doing to develop and...
Leading Change from the Inside Out
It's a basic leadership desire to make things better, but how to go about the process in a way that is successful while including and validating others? This teaching video gives a number of practical principles about how to lead change effectively. Downloads to share...
10 Reasons Americans Go to Church — And 9 Reasons They Don’t
As our congregations are cycling up for the school year, this CNN report on a recent Pew Research Center study has much to challenge and encourage our church leadership! Discussion Questions: What is one way your congregation can grow the number one reason people...
Interview with the “Nones”
In this interview with Pastor Fred Lehr he shares about some interviews he did with seven "None" students. What he learned and shared will help all church leaders as we interact with more and more of those that identify as "None!" Downloads to share or edit for local...
9 Fresh Approaches To Innovation That Can Change Everything
Carey Nieuwhof is one of the sharpest church leaders and spending time with some of the brightest Silicon Valley leaders, it's obvious in this blog post that he's got some game changing things to share. Especially in a day when "adaptive leadership" and...
Leveling Up: Free Digital Tools for Ministry
This incredibly helpful workshop was given live by Deacon Julie Stecker at the 2018 Synod Assembly. She teaches about a number of free programs that will dramatically improve your design, communication and ministry. Downloads: PDF Discussion Questions: What is an...
8 Ways to Stay Relevant, Expand Your Skills, and Thrive
This blog post by Michael Hyatt, subtitled, 8 Ways to Stay Relevant, Expand Your Skills, and Thrive will give you lots of excellent suggestions about how to grow as a leader. Hyatt writes for a more secular audience, but writes from a Christian perspective and for...
Lessons from Camp Ministry
While many of our kids are at camp this summer, this video interview with Dan Scharnhorst will help reflect on how camp ministry can also bless our congregations! Discussion Questions: What is one principle of camp ministry that could apply to your ministry...
Canoeing the Mountains: Part 5
This is the fifth and final video on this very helpful book, this one summarizing the last section, "Transformation: Everybody Will Be Changed (Especially the Leader)." Going Deeper: Canoeing the Mountains: Christian Leadership for Uncharted Territory Discussion...
Canoeing the Mountains: Part 4
This is the fourth video on this book, this one summarizing the cleverly titled section four, "Relationships and Resistance: You Can’t Go Alone, But You Haven’t Succeeded Until You've Survived the Sabotage." Going Deeper: Canoeing the Mountains: Christian Leadership...
Canoeing the Mountains: Part 3
This is the third video on this excellent book, this one summarizing the heart of the book, section three, "Leading Off the Map: In Uncharted Territory Adaptation Is Everything." Please also use the reflection/discussion questions with some leaders in your context!...
Canoeing the Mountains: Part 2
This is the second video on this wonderful book, in this second installment exploring section two, "The On-The Map Skill Set: No One Is Going to Follow You Off the Map Unless They Trust You On It." You'll not only get a quick summary, but also some reflection and...
Canoeing the Mountains: Part 1
This excellent book will help you navigate the uncharted territory we face and this first video, summarizing section one, will help introduce this resource to you, including discussion questions. Going Deeper: Canoeing the Mountains: Christian Leadership for Uncharted...
Adaptive Leadership Resources
Our synod has a great partnership with LEAD (Living Every Day As Disciples) and Peggy Hahn, the Executive Director, has created this wonderful summary video of some resources to learn more about the key skills of adaptive leadership. Going Deeper: The Practice of...
Remembering Loren Mead
On May 5, 2018 one of the great church leaders, Loren Mead, went to be with the Lord. This tribute will acquaint or remind you of the powerful influence of Mead, especially in his writings and founding of the Alban Institute. (This summary of some of his books is also...
Four Vital “Why” Questions
It's vital that we understand and can articulate the why of being a disciple and a church leader and this short video will give you four questions to help you do so! Going Deeper: Ted Talk by Simon Senek, "How great leaders inspire action" Leading Beyond the Walls:...
Overcoming The New Leadership Epidemic — Isolation And Loneliness
Carey Nieuwhof writes in his blog about this leadership challenge and what we can do about it. It strikes me as particular appropriate as our denomination, synod, conference and congregation gives us the structure to well support each other! Discussion Questions: Why...
Simple Adaptive Leadership
This short but powerful video will give you a simple way to understand and enact leadership for the new challenges that face you and your congregation! Resources: Vibrant Faith The Practice of Adaptive Leadership Discussion Questions: Which of the four steps to...
How Great Leaders Inspire Action
This TED talk by Simon Sinek is one of the most popular because it points out the incredible importance of, "Why?" Although important in any organization, church leaders always need to lead from the "Why" because ours is life transforming! Resources: Start with Why:...
Leaders Listen
A fundamental skill for every leader is good listening and this short video will review the basics and help you grow! Resources: Handy Business Card Size List of Listening Skills PDF PowerPoint Discussion Questions: Which of the ten skills for better listening is one...
Greeter and Usher Training
This training should be helpful for those serving in this vital ministry in your congregation! Resources: PDF "Greeter-Usher Quick List" PowerPoint Discussion Questions: If you've previously served in this role, what idea was new to you? What details need to be...
13 Signs of High Emotional Intelligence
This article will help you think more deeply about the Emotional Intelligence you want to live. And note how living a high EI is also being a great Christian Leader! Resources: Check out this article to learn more about Emotional Intelligence Discussion Questions:...
Passing Ministry Through the Generations
This teaching video deals with the common challenge in many congregations of handing ministry from one person to another, especially across age groups. Resources: PowerPoint Discussion Questions: In what areas does your congregation need to grow in handing ministry...
The Leadership of Billy Graham
Though flawed and of his time and steeped in a biblical fundamentalism that is not of our tradition, there is no denying that Billy Graham was one of the most influential Christian leaders of the last 50 years. In 2005, the book The Leadership Secrets of Billy Graham...
Urgent Church: Nine Changes We Must Make or Die
Thom Rainer's free blog always has challenging thoughts and it's no wonder this was the most popular post in 2017. It deserves to be read prayerfully and discussed deeply! Discussion Questions: Which of the nine is affecting your congregation most? What are some...
Leadership Expectations
We're back with this interview with John Auger, the Delaware-Maryland Synod Vice President to talk about leadership expectations and how this can raise your leadership culture! Resources: PowerPoint The Synod Council Leadership Expectations PDF Discussion Questions:...
7 Practical Indicators of Good Leadership Character
One of the things I love as Leadership Development Director is introducing you to great leaders and resources. Dan Reiland offers both on his website and this blog post will absolutely help you grow in leadership character! Discussion Questions: Which of the seven...
Congregational Care Team (Part 3, Training)
This is the third and final video in this series, this one providing some training for congregational care team members. (It may not provide all the specific training you might want in your context, but it will be a good start.) Resources: PowerPoint Presentation PDF...
Congregational Care Team (Part 2, How)
This is the second video in this series, this one working through most of the details in how to create a Congregational Care Team. Resources: PowerPoint Presentation PDF Lay Visitor Ministry Description Discussion Questions: As you think about implementing a...
Congregational Care Team (Part 1, Why)
A vital step many churches have found helpful is to develop a Congregational Care Team who assist the professional leaders with visiting those in need. This is the first of three parts, this one teaching about why this would be very beneficial. Going Deeper: Rancher...
A Christmas Prayer for Church Leaders
Here is a simple prayer to bless and strengthen all those who lead at this special time of the year!
Why Leadership Matters
In simple, but powerful words author, speaker, pastor and teacher Ed Stetzer reminds us of why leadership matters so much for the church and the world! Discussion Questions: Of the three areas identified by Stetzer, which do you think is most often disregarded? How...
How to Lead An Effective Meeting
This teaching will guide you through the purpose, dynamics and details of leading an effective meeting! Going Deeper: 14 Tips For Leading A More Effective Meeting (Forbes) How to Run a Meeting (Harvard Business Review) Downloads: PDF Teaching Summary PowerPoint...
How to Be a C.E.O., From a Decade’s Worth of Them
It's often helpful to read leadership advice from outside the specific environment of the church and this article definitely has some gems of wisdom that will help any leader grow! Discussion Questions: What piece of advice from this article struck you as most...
Thankful, Generous Hearts
This live workshop by Karen Kretschmann, Associate for Generosity, gets deep into the attitudes and Biblical theology of being giving. Going Deeper: Lower Susquehanna Synod Stewardship Page of Resources Discussion Questions: Which of the many attitudes about giving...
The Top 8 Reasons Most Churches Never Break The 200 Attendance Mark
Please check out this excellent blog post by a very sharp church leader, Carey Nieuwhof, on some of the reasons most churches never break the 200 barrier. Carey even has a resource to help you and your congregation work on this! Discussion Questions: Which of the 8...
Your Best Christmas Ever
This teaching video will give you all the tools you need to dramatically improve your outreach for Christmas worship services!Downloads:PDF Document Listing All The Steps from the VideoPowerPoint of the TeachingELCA Free Downloadable Print ResourcesDiscussion...
To Be a Great Leader, You Have to Learn How to Delegate Well
This great article not only covers the "why" and "how" of delegation, but also some great leadership theory! Discussion Questions: What part of the "why" of delegation do you or your organization need to internalize? What part of Anika's journey do you need to include...
11 Leadership Lessons from Martin Luther
This video teaching reflects on many of the wonderful ways that Luther was a great leader and can inspire and inform our own leadership. Going Deeper: Here I Stand: A Life of Martin Luther by Roland H. Bainton Martin Luther: A Life by Martin E. Marty Downloads:...
Leadership on the Other Side
This interview with veteran church leader Bill Easum by Enrichment Journal will give you many things to wrestle with, especially at the end when Bill reflects extensively on what the effective church leader should look like for the 21st century. Going Deeper: List of...
The Generous Christian Leader
This video teaching by Candy Maxwell, Lay Leadership Development Director for the Delaware-Maryland Synod, will grow your thinking about stewardship and leadership for you and those you lead. Discussion Questions: What was a new idea or concept that Candy shared...
Self Leadership
This excellent article by Bill Hybels will help you reflect on the most important type of leadership! (NOTE: Since recommending this article, painful revelations about Hybels' leadership have come to light. Perhaps this makes the topic of "Self Leadership" even more...
The Successful Ministry Ask
This video outlines five principles and five methods that will dramatically improve the ministry opportunities you invite people in which to participate. Going Deeper: Sharing the Ministry: A Practical Guide for Transforming Volunteers into Ministry Downloads:...
Seven Habits of Outwardly Focused Churches
This article by Thom Rainer will give you some reasons why ministries can slowly lose their outward focus and lots of practical ideas about how to regain an outward focus. Discussion Questions: Can you think of some reasons why your ministry may have lost some outward...
Outward Focused Ministry
This teaching video wrestles with one of the most important decisions a congregation can make, whether to be inward or outward focused. Downloads: PDF Handout PowerPoint Discussion Questions: What is an area of your ministry that is too inward focused? What is one...
Being on Fire, Without Burning Out
It's a huge challenge for church leaders to be passionate without burning out and this short but powerful teaching will provide some ideas and practical steps to mange this tension. Especially for this lesson, if you know someone on the verge of or wrestling with...
Creation Care
This interview with Laura Heller and Pastor Tormod Svensson, who head the Synod Creation Care Ministry, has lots of wonderful ideas and resources in this interview to help you encourage and lead in this area! Going Deeper: Synod Resolution on Ecological Justice...
Bishop Bill Gohl on the Multiracial Church
This great interview will give you much to think on and many ways to help your congregation become more racially integrated! Downloads: Word document listing all the ideas shared Discussion Questions: What ideas about why to seek a multiracial church speak to you?...
The Unique Tool for the Church Leader
There are a great many tools that every leader needs, but this teaching is on a skill unique and vital to the church leader! Going Deeper: Discerning God's Will Together: A Spiritual Practice for the Church by Danny Morris and Charles Olsen Downloads: PowerPoint...
The Supportive Presence
This interview with Chaplain Paula Thistle will help you think about the people in your life that you need to help function as the most effective leader possible. Discussion Questions: What did you learn about your needs for a supportive presence? How can you add...
Wondering in Prayer
This excellent live workshop led by Brynn Huffman and and Clara Mattucci at the 2017 Delaware-Maryland Synod Assembly will be a blessing as you learn new prayer techniques and have opportunity to grow in prayer. Going Deeper: Practice Discipleship Downloads:...
Key Relationships for Spiritual Health
This interview with Dr. David Baker will give you a wonderful new paradigm to think about your relationships and a number of suggestions of how to grow your team to be a more effective spiritual leader. Going Deeper: Survive or Thrive: 6 Relationships Every Pastor...
Raising Up Leaders
This live workshop, offered at the 2017 Delaware-Maryland Synod Assembly, offers principles and practical suggestions of ways to raise up leaders in your context! Candy Maxwell, the synod Lay Leadership Development Director and Pastor Stuart Luce, the Leadership...
Leadership Succession
This short video builds off one concept in the "Leadership Pipeline," that of having a Succession Plan to develop more leaders in your context. Downloads: PowerPoint Going Deeper: Pipeline: Succession at Every Level (A Free E-Book from LifeWay) Designed to Lead: The...
The Leadership Pipeline
This short video will introduce the idea of a Leadership Pipeline, how to keep leaders growing and developing in your context. Downloads: PowerPoint Going Deeper: Developing Your Leadership Pipeline (Harvard Business Review) Carey Nieuwhof Podcast: Todd Adkins On Why...
The Face of Effective Leadership
This wonderful interview with Candy Maxwell, Lay Leadership Development Director for our synod, gives an excellent definition of leadership and explores some of it's essential qualities. Going Deeper: What is Leadership, Article by Keven Kruse in Forbes Designed to...
Mutual Ministry Workshop
This excellent workshop led by Pastor Linda Gunderson and Gale Paul will help you and your congregation to develop or improve your Mutual Ministry Team. Recorded live it includes a Biblical and ministry basis, boundary issues, sample agenda and resources to get...
How To Share Your Faith
This video will cover some basic ideas about sharing your faith, along with some simple exercises to help prepare to share your faith story. Feel free to use this video as is or download the PowerPoint and handout and teach them in your own context. Downloads:...
Leading Difficult Conversations
This interview with Pastor Nancy Kraft will introduce a simple but powerful method of helping people with different perspectives (such as politics) to learn and grow from each other. Downloads: PowerPoint Ground Rules Going Deeper: Pastor Nancy Kraft's Blog Post...
Receiving Feedback
We all get it, but not everyone benefits from this gift! I hope you enjoy and are as blessed by listening to this interview as I was to spend the time with Pastor John Pumphrey. (By the way, if you are a leader in the Delaware-Maryland Synod, you might want to connect...
Holy Week Prayer
A simple prayer for all those church leaders for whom this is a busy, exhausting and exhilarating week!
Crucial Conversations
This summary of the excellent book Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High will help improve your communication and conflict resolution skills which are vital for every leader! Downloads: PowerPoint Presentation Going Deeper: Buy the Book,...
Bishop Bill Gohl on Baptismal Leadership
This message was given at the "Called to Lead" gathering of the Southern Delmarva Conference in February 2017. Bishop Gohl reflects on the baptismal promises and how they challenge us to great leadership! Downloads: PowerPoint Presentation Discussion Questions: Which...
John Auger on Change (2 of 2)
A second interview with Delaware-Maryland Synod Vice President on the topic of change, this time talking about John's personal philosophy of change, some thoughts about the book "Switch" and changes coming for our synod. Downloads: PowerPoint Going Deeper: Switch:...
John Auger on Change (1 of 2)
This interview with synod Vice President John Auger talks about change and especially how faith helps us move forward in new directions! Downloads: PowerPoint Discussion Questions: Which of the ideas John shared is most challenging in your view of change? What step...
Your Best Easter Ever
This video will help you to organize and plan your outreach to have your best Easter attendance ever! Downloads: Your Best Easter Ever PDF Communication Checklist PDF Going Deeper: Referenced Church Leader Tool on Your Welcome System Discussion Questions: Which of the...
Healthy Leaders
This interview with Bishop Bill Gohl focuses on many aspects of being a healthy leader, especially the team you can develop for great leadership! Going Deeper: Bread for the Day Devotional Discussion Questions: Which aspect of being a healthy leader do you need to...
Praying Aloud
For many people praying out loud is difficult, but it will much easier after watching this teaching video! This workshop was led by Pastor Richard Kiesling at the Disciples Together event of the Harford County Conference. Downloads: PowerPoint Discussion Questions:...
The Dance of Leadership
This wonderful interview with Pastor Steve McKinley will help you think about leadership (and ballroom dancing) in a wonderful new way! Go Deeper: You might also enjoy a collection of Steve's writings in The Parboiled Pastor: The Joys and Pressures of Parish Ministry...
The Prayers of a Leader
I hope these thoughts about the prayer life of a leader, no matter what your context, are a great blessing as you grow in faith while also helping others to do the same! Downloads: PowerPoint Discussion Questions: Which area of your prayer life do you need to grow in...
Getting Things Done and ToDoIst
This teaching will help you get organized and get more accomplished using the GTD method and a free online tool! If you find it to be helpful, share it with other leaders who might find it useful! Go Deeper: Getting Things Done Summary ToDoIst Downloads: PowerPoint...
Lead Like Jesus
This message, preached at the "Spiritual Leaders" Delmarva Conference event, digs deep into Jesus as a leader. Listen and reflect to deepen your own sense of leading more like Jesus in your heart, head, hands and habits! Go Deeper: Lead Like Jesus: Lessons from the...
Social Media in Ministry
This teaching by Pastor Christine Parker will help you communicate more effectively using multiple social media platforms! (It was recorded live at the Disciples Together Harford Conference event.) Discussion Questions: In your context, what social media improvements...
Developing Leaders Part 3 of 3-What?
This is the third and final in a three part series about how to develop leaders in your ministry or organization. (You might want to check out "Why" and "Who" if you haven't already and then listen to this one!) Downloads: PDF Discussion Questions: Which of the "How"...
Developing Leaders Part 2 of 3-Who?
This is the second in a three part series about who to seek out and develop in your ministry or organization. (You might want to check out "Why" if you haven't already and then "What.") Downloads: PDF Discussion Questions: Which of the "Who" qualities do you look for...
Developing Leaders Part 1 of 3-Why?
This is the first in a three part series about why developing leaders is an important goal in any ministry or organization. (And then check out the Who and What!) Downloads: PDF Discussion Questions: Which of the "Why" qualities will help to encourage you and your...
Global Leadership Summit 2016
Many thanks to Pastor Charles Marshall for this interview about what blessed him most at this year's GLS! Go Deeper: Global Leadership Summit Discussion Questions: What aspect of this interview spoke most to your current leadership situation? What is one change you...
Church Council Training
This video will help your church council and any team to work more effectively, learning some basic principles including how to use a consent agenda! Go Deeper: Sticky Teams Article on the Consent Agenda Governance as Leadership Powerpoint Presentation Discussion...
The Postmodern Church
This interview with Pastor Fred Lehrwill help you get a better sense of the postmodern church and some of it's characteristics! Downloads: PDF of the Postmodern Church Grid Go Deeper: The Great Emergence: How Christianity Is Changing and Why by Phyllis Tickle...
Discerning Is Not Deciding
This video will definitely help congregational leaders to think about their role in new and powerful ways! Many, many thanks to Pastor Eric Evers who taught this at the Growing Spiritual Leaders Delmarva Conference Event. Discussion Questions: What new thoughts did...
The Church as a Family
This teaching video will help you get a basic understanding of Family System Theory and how it applies to a church. Watch it to learn and grow in your understanding of yourself and others! Many, many thanks to Pastor Mark Molter who taught this at the Growing...
Christian Leadership
Watch this video to reflect on and grow in the unique qualities of a Christian Leader! It might even be a great conversation starter with other leaders! Downloads: PDF and Powerpoint Presentation Go Deeper:The Marks of a Spiritual Leader by John Piper The Four Cs of...
World Hunger Giving Ideas
This interview with Fred Melton will give you lots of ideas about how to raise funds for World Hunger! Discussion Questions: What is holding you back from being more generous for World Hunger? What is one of the ideas from other congregations that you could implement...
Delegation 2: Part 2-What and How
This is the second of a two part teaching on the topic of delegation! Downloads: One Page Delegation Process PDF Go Deeper: The Fine Art of Delegation (Michael Hyatt) How to Do More of What You Love, And Less of What You Don't (Michael Hyatt) The Single Biggest Reason...
Delegation: Part 1-Why and Who
A basic and vital leadership skill is delegation and this two part video will give you the motivation and skills to bless others and also your ministry! Downloads: One Page Delegation Process PDF Go Deeper: The Fine Art of Delegation (Michael Hyatt) How to Do More of...
John Auger on His First Year As Synod Vice President
You will definitely be blessed as John shares in this video what he's seeing around the Delaware-Maryland Synod and prays for our ministry together! Email John if there is any way he can be helpful! Discussion Questions: What is one area of your current context that...
S.T.A.I.R.S Goal Setting
We all know the value of setting goals, both individually and as a team, but a simple method of organizing them is sometimes elusive. Check out this video to learn a new strategy that will really help you develop excellent goals! Downloads to share or edit for local...
This simple Japanese word will bless and improve your leadership! Check out this video to learn more about it and how to incorporate this powerful idea in your leadership! Go Deeper: With this book called Spiritual Kaizen Resources: Powerpoint presentation Discussion...
The Multiracial Church
We know that race is an important topic in our country and so it should be for Christian leaders. Watch this video to learn some characteristics of congregations that are multiracial, to grow your own leadership and to begin conversation with leaders around you....
Leaders Are Learners
Watch this video for some practical and inspiring ways to learn and grow as a leader! Resources: PowerPoint presentation Go deeper: Conference Listing, one list and another list of great church leader podcasts, and a very varied list of some of the most popular church...
Lessons Learned from a Disaster Mission Trip
Watch this videoto hear guest Alex McKeague talk about being on a youth mission trip in Sulfur Springs, West Virginia during terrible flooding and what he and their team learned and experience! Go deeper: You can email Alex McKeague to learn more from him and you can...
Mission, Strategy and Plans
Watch this video to explore some ways to identify your purpose and how to accomplish that purpose in your local context. Go deeper by checking out this list of non-profit mission statements and also this list of church mission statements. This excellent article by Ed...
Outreach Jumpstart (5 of 5)-Outreach System
Watch this video, the fifth of a five part series, talking about how to build systems, with a number of specific ideas, to invite people into your congregation and faith! Go deeper by reading Ignite by Nelson Searcy. Also, here is a PDF of some sample postcards....
Outreach Jumpstart (4 of 5)-Welcome System
Watch this video, the fourth of a five part series, talking about how to truly welcome people to your church! This fourth step will give you some helpful basics premises as well as lots of ideas about a great welcome system! Go deeper by reading Fusion by Nelson...
Outreach Jumpstart (3 of 5)-Strategy
Watch this video, the third of a five part series, talking about how to grow your church! This third step teaches one way to think about our strategy for accomplishing our mission of making disciples! Go deeper by reading this article by Bill Easum or by checking out...
Outreach Jumpstart (2 of 5)-In Today’s Society
Watch this video, the second of a five part series, talking about how to grow your church! This second step builds upon our mission, but in the unique situation of North American culture in the 21st century! Go deeper by reading this article about the post-modern era...
Outreach Jumpstart (1 of 5)-Mission of the Church
Watch this video, the first of a five part series, talking about how to grow your church! This first step is the vital foundation of what Jesus taught us! Go deeper by reading the end of each of the Gospels, especially spending time in reflection and prayer on Matthew...
A Most Vital Use of Your Time
Watch this video to reflect on a very counter-intuitive, but very important, way to spend some time! Go deeper by reading this article on balcony time, and also this article on balcony time, and this article on margin by Michael Hyatt (and a free e-book) Downloads:...
Super Simple Leadership Development
Watch this video to learn a very simple and consistent way to grow leaders in any context! Go deeper byreading this blog post, by visiting or and The Five Levels of Leadership by John Maxwell Downloads: Powerpoint Discussion Questions:...
Leadership Development
Watch this video to think and learn more about how to grow and develop leaders and disciples in your context! Go deeper by reading this article about leadership development from Forbes and also this article about a "to be" list by Bill Easum. Downloads: PowerPoint...
How You Doing?
Watch this video by Alex McKeague to change your thinking about this simple question and begin to live a life of more influential leadership and deeper discipleship! Discussion Questions: After watching this video, how will you change your response to, "How you...
The Most Important Question
Watch this video to learn the most important question for every leadership situation. It's a very simple question that will dramatically move your leadership forward if you apply this thought! Downloads to share or edit for local use: Powerpoint and PDF Go deeper by...
Watch this video to think more deeply about the value and importance of teamwork in our congregations. It's a lesson that when we learn it (as Moses and later the disciples had to) it will change our ministry! Downloads to share or edit for local use: PowerPoint Go...
Leading Change Without Losing It
Watch this video to help navigate leading change in your setting! These principles will be especially helpful personally and professionally as you move your congregation or organization forward! Downloads to share or edit for local use: PowerPoint Dig deeper by...
Door to Door Evangelism
Watch this in-depth teaching video given by the Rev. Wolfgang Herz-Lane on the theory and practical details of door to door calling! Downloads to share or edit for local use: Teaching outline and publicity samples and PowerPoint Discussion Questions: What is holding...
Be Strong and Courageous
Watch this video to get some inspiration from God who speaks to Joshua, and to us, in the midst of great challenges and difficult times! Downloads to share or edit for local use: Joshua 1:9 graphic and PowerPoint slides Go deeper by studying Joshua 1. You might also...
The Key to Everything
Watch this video to learn the key to everything! This is a key that will help you grow in your work, family, ministry and every part of your life! Downloads to share or edit for local use: PDF Document, PowerPoint Go deeper by listening to this interview with Matt...
Working on Your Ministry
Watch this video to improve the vision, organization and results of your ministry, while also involving more people. Taking our lead from an excellent leadership book, try “working on your ministry” instead of only “working in your ministry!” Download PDF to share or...