Leveling Up: Free Digital Tools for Ministry

This incredibly helpful workshop was given live by Deacon Julie Stecker at the 2018 Synod Assembly. She teaches about a number of free programs that will dramatically improve your design, communication and ministry.

Downloads:  PDF

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is an area of your ministry that would benefit from better design or communication?
  2. Which of these tools will you invest a little time in to improve your ministry?

Leading Difficult Conversations

This interview with Pastor Nancy Kraft will introduce a simple but powerful method of helping people with different perspectives (such as politics) to learn and grow from each other.


Going Deeper:

Discussion Questions:

  1. If you were to imagine holding a conversation like this event, what would be the most challenging aspect in your congregation or ministry?
  2. What is one area of “differing perspectives” in which your congregation or ministry might benefit from such a structured conversation?

Receiving Feedback

We all get it, but not everyone benefits from this gift! I hope you enjoy and are as blessed by listening to this interview as I was to spend the time with Pastor John Pumphrey. (By the way, if you are a leader in the Delaware-Maryland Synod, you might want to connect with your local chaplain, part of the Healthy Leaders Initiative.)

Downloads: PowerPoint

Going Deeper:

Discussion Questions:

  1. Which of the “receiving feedback” skills is most challenging for you?
  2. What is one practical idea you could take from this interview to improve your receiving feedback skills?

Crucial Conversations

This summary of the excellent book Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High will help improve your communication and conflict resolution skills which are vital for every leader!


Going Deeper:

Discussion Questions:

  1. What was the most interesting teaching from Crucial Conversations?
  2. Which of the skills do you need to implement in your current “leadership toolbox?” How will you begin doing this?

How You Doing?

Watch this video by Alex McKeague to change your thinking about this simple question and begin to live a life of more influential leadership and deeper discipleship!

Discussion Questions:

  1. After watching this video, how will you change your response to, “How you doing?”
  2. Who is one person you could be investing in to deepen their leadership as you “make more leaders” or “Go therefore and make disciples?”